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  1. C. Babaoglu and A. Brinsmead, "Nurturing Strategic Partnerships: Maximizing Value for CE Institutions and Accrediting Bodies", Ontario Council for University Lifelong Learning (OCULL) Conference, October 2024.

  2. C. Babaoglu, "Implementing Learner-Centric, Technology-Driven and Industry-Aligned Approaches", The EvoLLLution, July 2024.

  3. C. Babaoglu, "Elevating Continuing Education: A Comprehensive Journey into Data-Driven, Learner-Centric Design", Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (CAUCE) Conference, May 2024.

  4. C. Babaoglu, T. Abdou, and A. Brinsmead "Dynamic Digital Learning Approaches: Maximizing Educational Impact", TMU Learning & Teaching Conference, May 2024, Toronto, Canada.

  5. T. Hakyemez, C. Babaoglu, A. Basar, "Putting spatial crime patterns in their social contexts through a contextualized colocation analysis", GeoJournal 2023.

  6. C. Babaoglu, "Integration of Soft Skills in Data Science Courses", Education Technology Insights, August 2023

  7. C. Babaoglu, "Empowering Education Through Data Science: Unleashing the Potential of Data-Driven Insights", The EvoLLLution, June 2023.

  8. C.Babaoglu, "Integrating Soft Skills into the Teaching Methodology of Data Science", TMU Learning & Teaching Conference, May 2023, Toronto, Canada.

  9. C. Babaoglu, "Design Elements of Online Delivery of Data Science Courses", Education Technology Insights, November 2022. 

  10. C. Babaoglu, "Building a Community of Continuous Learners to Enhance Student Success", Ontario Council for University Lifelong Learning (OCULL) Conference, October 2022.

  11. C. Babaoglu, "Establishing Active Instructor Presence in Fully Online Continuing Education Courses", Virtual Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (CAUCE) Conference, Connections Matter, May 2022.

  12. C.Babaoglu, "Online Learning: Live Sessions Matter", Ryerson Learning & Teaching Conference, May 2022, Toronto, Canada.

  13. L. Babaoglu, C. Babaoglu, "Prediction of Fatalities in Vehicle Collisions in Canada", Promet-Traffic & Transportation, 2021, 33(5), 661-669. 

  14. C. Babaoglu, H. Lu,” Experiential Learning in Online Data Science Courses”, Ryerson Learning & Teaching Conference, May 2021, Toronto, Canada.

  15. D. Shanshal, C. Babaoglu, A. Basar, "Prediction of Fatal and Major Injury of Drivers, Cyclists, and Pedestrians in Collisions", Promet-Traffic & Transportation, 2020, 32(1), 39-53.​

  16. C. Kavaklioglu, C. Babaoglu, A. Bener, A. Verma, F. Razak, "Prediction of the length of stay for general internal medicine patients admitted through the emergency department", 8th Annual Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Science and Technology (iBEST) Symposium, 2018.

  17. A.B. Fecso, S. Kuzulugil, C. Babaoglu, A. Bener, T. Grantcharov, "The Relationship Between Intraoperative Non-Technical Performances and Technical Events in Bariatric Surgery", British Journal of Surgery, 2017, DOI:10.1002/bjs.10811.

  18. C. Babaoglu, U. Ahmad, A. Durrani, A. Bener, “Predictive Modeling of Lapse Risk: An International Financial Services Case Study”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference On Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2017, Banff, Canada.

  19. A.B. Fecso, S. Kuzulugil, C. Babaoglu, A. Bener, T. Grantcharov, "Studying the interactions between teams and individuals in the operating room: a pilot study", Canadian Surgery Forum, 2017, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

  20. C. Babaoglu, A. Erdem, A. Bener, "Risk Prediction On Life Insurance Lapse", The INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2016, Nashville, USA.

  21. P. Lak, C. Babaoglu, A. Bener, and P. Pralat, "News Article Position Recommendation Based on The Analysis of Article’s Content — Time Matters", Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys), 2016, Boston, USA.

  22. C. Babaoglu, I. Hacinliyan, “Homoclinic Structure for a Generalized Davey-Stewartson System”, in book: Mathematical and Computational Approaches in Advancing Modern Science and Engineering, pages 27-33, 2016, AMMCS Waterloo, Canada.

  23. P. Lak, A. Samarikhalaj, C. Babaoglu, A. Kocak, P. Pralat, A. Bener, “Modeling Digital Billboard Advertising Networks in the Era of Big Data”, Joint International Meeting, Canadian Operational Research Society and Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (CORS/INFORMS), 2015, Montreal, Canada.

  24. I. Hacinliyan, C. Babaoglu, “On Homoclinic Structure for 2D Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger System”, 4th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications (IECMSA), 2015, Athens, Greece.

  25. C. Babaoglu, H.A Erbay, A. Erkip, (2013). The Cauchy problem for a class of nonlocal Boussinesq type equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Appl. 77, 82-93.

  26. C. Babaoglu, (2012). Symmetry in a parabolic multi-phase overdetermined problem, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations: An International Journal, 57, 1289-1300.

  27. H. A. Erbay, C. Babaoglu, A. Erkip, “Doubly Dispersive Nonlocal Nonlinear Wave Equations”, Workshop on Nonlocal Models and Peridynamics, 2012, Berlin, Germany.

  28. A. Erkip, C. Babaoglu, H. Borluk, N. Duruk, H. A. Erbay, S. Erbay, G. Muslu, “On some nonlocal nonlinear wave equations”,  Workshop on Nonlocal Models and Peridynamics, 2012, Berlin, Germany.

  29. C. Babaoglu, H. Shahgholian, (2011). Symmetry in multi-phase overdetermined problems, Journal of Convex Analysis, 18, 1013-1024.

  30. C. Babaoglu, “Symmetry in elliptic two-phase and multi-phase overdetermined problems”, International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations SciCADE, 2011, Toronto, Canada.

  31. C. Babaoglu, M. Bazarganzadeh, (2011). Some properties of two-phase quadrature domains, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Appl. 74, 3386-3396.

  32. C. Babaoglu, H. A. Erbay, A. Erkip, “The Cauchy problem for a class of nonlocal Boussinesq type equations", International Workshop on Differential Equations and Applications, 2011, Izmir, Turkey.

  33. A. Erkip, C. Babaoglu, H. Borluk, N. Duruk, H. A. Erbay, S. Erbay, G. Muslu, “A review of some results on a class of nonlocal nonlinear wave-type Cauchy problems”, International Conference on Nonlinear Dispersive Equations, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.

  34. C. Babaoglu, (2008). Long-wave short-wave resonance case for a generalized Davey-Stewartson system, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 38, 48-54.

  35. C. Babaoglu, “Exact traveling wave solutions for a generalized Davey-Stewartson system”, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, 2008, Rome, Italy.

  36. C. Babaoglu, “Long-wave short-wave interaction in an elastic solid with couple stresses”, Equadiff, 2007, Vienna, Austria. 

  37. C. Babaoglu, (2006). Some special solutions of a generalized Davey-Stewartson system, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 30, 781-790.

  38. C. Babaoglu, A. Eden, S. Erbay, (2004). Global existence and nonexistence results for a generalized Davey-Stewartson system, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.  37, 11531-11546.

  39. C. Babaoglu, S. Erbay, (2004). Two-dimensional wave packets in an elastic solid with couple stresses, Int. J. Non-Linear Mech. 39, 941-949.

  40. C. Babaoglu, S. Erbay, “Wave propagation in an elastic medium:  GDS equations”, Proceedings of the International Conference Symmetry and Perturbation Theory, pages 22-26, 2004, Sardinia, Italy.

  41. C. Babaoglu, S. Erbay, “Wave propagation in an elastic medium: GDS equations”, Workshop on Partial Differential Equations and its Applications, 2002, Istanbul, Turkey.

  42. C. Babaoglu, S. Erbay, (2001). Two-dimensional wave propagation in a generalized elastic solid, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 12, 381-389.

  43. C. Babaoglu, S. Erbay, “Two-dimensional wave packets in a generalized elastic medium”, 3rd European Congress of Mathematics, 2000, Barcelona, Spain.

  44. C. Babaoglu, S. Erbay, “Coupled modified Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations in a higher-order gradient elastic medium”, Proceedings of the Workshop on Nonlinearity Integrability and all that twenty years after needs '79, pages 411- 414, 2000, Gallipoli (Lecce), Italy.

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